
Nah Nah Nah Nah Hey Hey Hey Goodbye

I can't believe I'm using this image since it has the dreaded smiley face {gross} but it's perfect for the post.  So over the last week I have been prepping my house for sale as I'm now on borrowed time before listing day; I've worked harder in the last three days than I probably have in three years.  My Type A personality can be a curse when it comes to projects like this, thinking that every single thing has to be perfect which in turn just stresses me out.  Anyway, I'm bidding GOOD RIDDANCE to all the clutter in my house.  I sucessfully took four car loads of who knows what to Goodwill for donation, and when I say car loads, I mean doors busting at the seams car loads...the kind of car loads that you can't see out of any window but the windshield...the kind of car loads that when I opened my hatch, the wide-eyed attendant simply said, "wow."

During this whole process, I thought to myself, "where does all this come from?"  I keep my house pretty cleaned out to begin with, but I could not believe the amount of "stuff."  I cleaned out every closet {which included me donating 2/3 of my wardrobe}, every drawer, every cupboard...it felt so good.  Regardless of whether the house sells or not, each day is better with less "stuff" in my life.  You should try it...and don't forget your tax deductible receipt.

image courtesy of Worldstudio

1 comment:

bridget said...

what i'd like to know is whether you got rid of any of your mass collection of serving dishes, bowls, glasses, etc. ?! please say yes. i need some strength to cull through mine. :)

AWESOME - you've inspired me to do something similar!