
Nothing Says Home Like Concrete and Cork

As most of my friends and family know, I'm totally obsessed with mid-century modern houses, those super cool gems of houses built between the 1940s and 1960s. Do you know that question of "if you could have dinner with anyone, who would it be?" My answer is definitely the Rat Pack. To sit at the dinner table with Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, and Sammie Davis Jr. at Sinatra's house in Palm Springs. Are you kidding me?

In keeping with my obsession, I have been a loyal subscriber to Atomic Ranch magazine for years now. Every three months you can find me waiting by the mailbox salivating and giving my poor mailman the evil eye each day until the paper beauty arrives. I have bought and sold several houses over the years but rest assure my next house will be the mid-century masterpiece I crave and if all the stars are aligned, it will be adorned with the most gorgeous butterfly roof you've ever seen.

image courtesy of eHow

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