
Let Go of My Egg-o

Hope everyone had a great Easter! After cooking for two days, all of my family got together and we stuffed ourselves like it was our last meal. Mistake. It was so good - a regular ol' southern feast. The weather was kind of yucky today, still wet from the overnight rain so the annual Easter egg hunt took place indoors. The rules were...there were no rules...climb on the furniture, teeter on your tip toes to reach those precious eggs up in the light fixtures, swing from the chandeliers, practice the infamous "figure four" on your siblings, sell your first born...what ever you have to do to find the most eggs. It's all in the spirit of the holiday right...duh.

Anyway, looking forward to an extra long workout at the gym tomorrow {desperately needed, I'm just sayin'}.

image courtesy of me


Gougères Délicieux...aka Cheese Puffs

My copy of The Little Paris Kitchen by Rachel Khoo arrived and I made the most delectable and scrumptious recipe today. Gougères...these little cheese puffs are as light as a cloud, and wash down so smoothly with a cold pinot grigio {ok a bottle, a bottle of pinot - there, I said it}. I {heart, heart, heart} this book so much - from the photography right down to the soft white stock of the book - il est magnifique!

Want a little mid-day getaway? Check out Rachel's blog for some lovely inspiration...

image courtesy of me


Just For Me?

Coco picked a perfect bunch of daffodils for me today.  Left a nice bare spot in the flower patch but that's beside the point!  I'm so glad to see flowers starting to bloom {smile} and warm weather is just around the corner {smile even bigger}.  Thanks Coco, these posies made my day!

image courtesy of me


I {Heart} DIY

FINALLY!!!...Thank you Lord for letting me finish these projects, AND, they actually aren't half bad. First off, my weapon of a cutting board - this thing has more glue than all of the elementary schools in town put together. It's beautiful, delightfully heavy, and the contrast of the walnut and purple heart woods came out better than I thought. I cannot wait to take out all my vegetable aggressions on this thing. And, it can always double as a self-defense device in a pinch.

Lastly, my little 50's table with hair pin legs - oh, how I love you. I didn't love you when I was making you...um, and cussing at you...but the end result, sweet! Definitely a labor of love as many times as I had to redo cuts on this table but worth it...I guess. OK, yes...worth it!

images courtesy of me