
Always Judge A Book By Its Cover

I have a date...this weekend! It's with my new beloved book that the postman just delivered {shout out to the USPS even if stamps are a whopping $0.45 now}. As you all know I'm addicted to Atomic Ranch, the magazine dedicated to all things mid-century modern. Anyway, the editors have just released their second coffee table book which I'm patiently waiting to dive into this weekend and read cover-to-cover. I guess you are technically suppose to leisurely thumb through a coffee table book while sipping a martini with your hair tied up in a vintage silk head wrap or something snazzy like that but not me. With pigtails in my hair, I will have every page cracked by Sunday.

Atomic Ranch coffee table book, I {heart} you, I really do - more so than an actual live romantic date {Tom Ford excluded}. This perhaps explains the very reason I am single.

image courtesy of vintage and flea

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